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House points

We have 4 houses named after some of our local beaches. They are Babbacombe, Goodrington, Hollicombe, and Meadfoot. Each week, house-points are awarded and at the end of each term, the house with the most points has a non-uniform day.

 Accelerated Reader words read Summer term 2 2024
Date Babbacombe Goodrington Hollicombe Meadfoot
16.06.2024 647,269 325,444 897,673 383,990
23.06.2024 381,881 199,287 391,033 250,819
30.06.2024 292,288 323,009 493,269 116,317
07.07.2024 269.135 129,115 498,902 197,428
14.07.2024 385,979 386,320 459,271 187,532


TT Rockstars points scored Summer term 2 2024
Date Babbacombe Goodrington Hollicombe  Meadfoot  
16.06.2024 22,276 13,574 15,418 4,382
23.06.2024 45,087 71,889 65,768 26,858
30.06.2024 64,707 53,938 59,850 18,171
07.07.2024 66,679 67,260 40,558 37,320
14.07.2024 59,936 66,053 58,791 20,250