HAF Provision - Free School Meal Families

HAF Provision - Free School Meal Families
The funding has now been agreed by the Government for the HAF (Holiday, Activities and Food) provision for 2025/2026. This funding is for providers to offer children who are eligible for free school meals (not universal infant free school meals in KS1) a free place in holiday provisions across certain holidays throughout the year.
This is 4 days at Easter, 16 days in Summer and 4 days at Christmas. Last year, I was a pilot school granted with late application funding and was allowed to do 4 Easter days and 15 Summer days. This year I have to make a full application like all other providers. As we already run a holiday provision, I was able to integrate the HAF provision into this and my set dates, which also included me shutting down for Christmas. I am unsure if this will be acceptable this year but I will be applying for 4 days in Easter and 15 days in Summer. If my application is successful, I will be able to inform you on the 14th March which only leaves us with 3 weeks before the Easter holidays. To ensure I can prepare staffing and be ready for a hopefully successful application, could you please let me know if you would like to put your child/ren down for the following: Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th, Wednesday 9th, 10th Thursday April, 8.30am - 12.30pm.
Please email avine@kingskerswell.devon.sch.uk to let me know which days you would like, your child/ren's name and class.
I will be making my application on Monday 10th February, so if you could let me know as soon as possible, that would be great. I understand your circumstances may change so we can alter that if needed/possible. I cannot guarantee all spaces you request but I will confirm these as soon as I can.
Thank you and fingers crossed for a successful application!
Kind regards Amy Vine School Business Manager / Wrap Around Lead