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Christingle Service

Christingle Sunday 8th December 2024 @ 6pm – St. Mary’s church Kingskerswell

Thank you to those of you who have already completed the online form giving permission for your child to attend the above event.  If you haven’t already completed the form and would like your child to take part, there is still time and the form is still available on ‘Our Schools App’.

As last year the church is kindly serving hot chocolate, in the church rooms opposite the church, to the children prior to the service.

If your child is taking part they should arrive at Kingskerswell Parish Church between 5.15 and 5.30 and the Christingle Service will begin at 6pm finish at 7 pm. Your child will be supplied with a Choir t-shirt for the event.

Please see attached instructions for making a Christingle – we request that all children attending make and bring their own Christingle to the service.  PLEASE NOTE THE CHURCH WILL PROVIDE THE CANDLE!!!!

We hope you will support this wonderful community event.

Many thanks

Karen Strachan

Acting Headteacher