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Harvest Festival Donations

It is the time of year to celebrate and share our harvest, and we would again like to make a collection for our local food bank.

If you are able to support this very worthy cause, the items the food bank is especially in need of include the following:

· Coffee · Sugar · Orange squash · Cereals · Baked beans · Tinned tomatoes · UHT milk · Tinned fruit · Gravy powder · Shaving foam · Disposable razors · Men’s shower gel · Shampoo · Men’s roll-on deodorant · Rice pudding · Tinned/Powered custard · Anti-bac hand soap · Washing-up liquid · Scourer sponges · J-cloths · Washing Powder · Dishwasher tablets · Toothbrushes · Toothpaste

Please could donations be non-perishable items (tinned, packet or dried items), rather than fresh fruit or vegetables, and be in-date.

Please send in any donations by Friday, 18th October.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and generosity.